Aging - here we come!

I’m just starting the process of researching the topic of aging - not just here in the United States, but all over the world.

For instance, did you know that Viagra isn’t as popular in Mexico because Mexican culture has traditionally valued getting older and a shifting focus from sex to more emotional intimacy between partners? Me, neither! At least not until I came across the work of anthropologist Emily Wentzell.

I find it interesting to think about the different ways different cultures and societies approach the same problems. Or even what they define as a problem. Clearly erectile dysfunction is not the same type of problem in the eyes of some Mexican men as it is for, say, American men (who often view the loss of virility as something shameful and emasculating).

As I’m researching, I’ll occasionally write about some of my findings here.

Feel free to get as obsessed as me about the topic of aging.